SQL Fundamentals of Querying

The following is a list of available SQL Fundamentals of Querying classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

The selected course is not currently active. Please contact an ISInc representative if you are interested in more information about this course.

Course Number: SQL-D


This two day instructor-led course serves two main audiences: those who have never touched Structured Query Language (SQL), and those who have seen SQL queries and may even have worked with existing SQL queries or tried to build a query but want to understand the language behind the query. Or, maybe you are reading this and thinking, I have seen others build SQL statements but I want or need to know how to do it myself. In any of these cases, you have come to the right place.

This course will introduce you to SQL and its use in writing queries, questions you ask of data in your database, to retrieve information from a database. You will learn about SQL and its basic keywords and phrases used to build statements that will get the data you need from a database.


Students should have at least a basic knowledge of relational databases and how they are designed.

List Price
