"Send to" Function not working properly in SharePoint 2010? - ISInc

I recently had an issue with a  new install of SharePoint 2010.  A user was trying to send/copy documents between libraries on the site, and the “send to” function was not available, it was grayed-out.  After a little research, I found that there is an add-on in Internet Explorer that can cause problems with the “send to” feature of SharePoint.  To fix this problem, go to “Manage Add-ons” in the Internet Explorer tools menu.  Change the view to “show all add-ons”, and disable “STSUpld CopyCtl Class”.  Your “send to” should now work without a problem.



  1. John Ledbetter Says:
    August 15th, 2013 at 6:17 am

    Hello, We are seeing the same issue. Did this get resolved or do you have a fix for it? It seems the right click send to feature is broken when using Internet Explorer 10, but it works in chrome? Please advise if anyone knows the “fix”.

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