Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep Course (2021 Exam Standard)

The following is a list of available Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep Course (2021 Exam Standard) classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

Course Number: PMPE

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If you are taking this course, you probably have some professional exposure to the duties of a project manager, or you may be considering embarking on a career in professional project management. Your ability as a project manager to demonstrate best practices in project management-both on the job and through professional certification is becoming the standard to compete in today's fast-paced and highly technical workplace. In this course, you will learn the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to successfully manage projects.

Project managers who have proven skills and experience can find exciting, high-visibility opportunities in a wide range of fields. This course is specifically designed to provide you with the proven, practical body of project management knowledge and skills that you need to demonstrate project management mastery on the job. Additionally, this course can be a significant part of your preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam.

In this course, you will learn the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to successfully manage projects. The skills and knowledge you gain in this course will help you avoid making costly mistakes and increase your competitive edge in the project management profession.

This class will help prepare you for the latest version of the PMP exam (2021 edition).


PMP candidates with a four-year degree or higher must have 4,500 hours of project management experience in the last eight years. PMP candidates with a high school equivalent must have 7,500 hours of project management experience in the last eight years.

List Price


Upcoming Classes

Available classes for Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep Course (2021 Exam Standard)
Start Date End Date Class Status Days Location Start Time
06/24/2024 06/28/2024 Seats Available Consecutive days Live Online 9:00am Enroll
06/24/2024 06/28/2024 Seats Available Consecutive days Sacramento CA 9:00am Enroll
All class times are Pacific Time Zone,